What we do
Why we exist
Engage seeks to educate everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand on government relations to improve democracy for us all. We were established in the interests of ensuring everyone can have their voice heard by our political leaders.
Having worked with a diverse range of clients to engage legislators as a lobbyist, Engage Founder, Holly Bennett thought there had to be a better way to get the skills and tools into the hands of others.
After market research and many (many) course iterations, Engage launched in 2019, teaching hundreds of New Zealanders how to influence decision makers about issues that matter to them.
By growing expertise in government relations and cultivating the next generation of open-minded leaders to ensure the lobbying industry is truly competitive, Engage is supporting the maintenance of accessible democracy.
Grounded in the view that the true power of knowledge lies, not in the act of concealing but in sharing, Engage holds steadfast the following whakataukī:
Our guiding whakataukī
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao.
The bird who feasts on the miro berry, theirs is the forest.
The bird who feasts on knowledge, theirs is the world.
Our Vision
An accessible, open and engaged democracy for everyone.
Our Mission
Educating New Zealanders to become their own best advocate.
Our Values
By educating everyone to become their own best advocate, Engage is opening the door of lobbying to anyone who wants to have their voice heard by political leaders.
Empowering everyone to engage, means helping Aotearoa New Zealand maintain a healthy democracy. We also want to grow the expertise in government relations and cultivate the next generation of open-minded leaders.

Empower others to achieve results.

To educate and inform, not conceal and compete.

Keep an open door to anyone keen to learn.